Sensory And Beyond…

Our boy… baby J has some sensory processing needs that we have been working at helping him with for some time. I have written about some of the therapy he received, and the tools we use with him, like skin brushing, a weighted vest, massage, and time spent jumping on a trampoline or running…

For a while, we saw such great improvement that we were able to start cutting back on some things, but with all the changes in baby J’s life, it seemed that he was regressing, and needed help again.

While his sensory needs have greatly improved, we have noticed some other behaviors with our boy that have us concerned…

So much has changed for baby J in the past few months… with starting preschool, and then adding a younger sibling who is in to EVERYTHING, and wants to be in all of baby J’s toys, and needs his mommy’s attention, he is a bit overwhelmed.

He is not just overwhelmed, he is stressed out…

He has developed a whole new set of behaviors that, on the surface, look like more sensory stemmed behaviors. But he is nervous…
He has some nervous ticks, like rapid blinking, sucking on his lips, pinching his skin, and kicking himself over and over. He wrings his little hands, and picks and pinches at anything close to his hands. He has some behavior issues that leave us all feeling frustrated, and make us wonder what is going on inside that cute little head. We are tired of feeling like we are constantly discipling him.
Poor little guy is losing it…

And we want so badly to make everything ok for him, but we are feeling unsure of what we need to do, or what he needs, and we are struggling with how to help our baby J…

We need help. So this week we will be talking to some therapists, and looking for some ideas of things we can do to help our boy. And we will be coming up with some plans and strategies for baby J.

We want our boy to be successful, and happy, and healthy. We want him to thrive and do well at school and family life…
And we need help! What do you do for your little ones who are stressed and have bigger feelings than they know what to do with, or who are just difficult? What works for your family?


  1. Always wear your tiara on October 25, 2014 at 5:13 pm

    You asked what works for us and I am saying this works for us and am not suggesting for you.Routine, like clockwork routine. boring routine so that even the burglars don't have to guess cos I am so predictable.Quiet time. We call it house arrest. Very little outside stimulation other that the necessary stuff.repetition of, nothing is changing, it is all going to be fine. we are a family and that won't change. We might grow bigger and do new things but we are here for each other. Allowing them control over little things. Rosie was such a worrier that she always had the car keys when she was a t school. That way she thought I would always be there cos she had the keys( she still doesn't know I used the spare set) But it gave her control.Good luck.

  2. Unknown on October 25, 2014 at 8:12 pm

    We worked with a developmental pediatrician who helped US immensely!Routine and rest time are a big part of security for our daughter.

  3. jessica on October 27, 2014 at 4:14 am

    Oh gosh, that's a tough one, and it changes with each kid and honestly with each different situation. I've noticed with all my kids, almost more so with the boys (who are biological) they cycle and have great months, then they'll have a period of time where they are much harder to discipline and have a hard time obeying! Claire's honestly usually the easiest one because she just has typical toddler behavior and can still be redirected fairly easily. We love our love and logic books for discipline and good sensible advice. Ugh, good luck!

  4. Joanna B on October 30, 2014 at 12:26 am

    Great advice, guys! I love the car keys idea 🙂

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