Friday Phone Dump…

Tiny P has a bald spot…some of her anti-rejection med cause hair loss, and others cause dry, brittle hair, and we have it all. So in an effort to get her hair back to a healthy place we gave her a little hair cut.

When your face is so puffy it barely fits in your hood…

Stickers and a cheese stick take the sting off of getting your blood work done.

This boy likes his hair “fancy.” It cracks me up when he comes home from school and “makes his hair pretty.”

When you love the little mermaid, but the sea witch terrifies you, all you can do is hold your brother’s hand, close your eyes, and pray.

Morning hair…

Getting his feet warm…

This girl can be found all over the house reading her kindle these days.

Baby in a bath…

Brother love…

Squishy face…

My boys, coloring…

Those cheeks, though.

Sound asleep in the morning…with shoes on?

Being a super hero is a super serious business.

“Mommy, take a picture of us, we are doing man’s work!”

She NEVER naps… it’s so rare it’s like a unicorn. So when she does, I first take a picture. Then I worry. Is she getting sick? Not enough sleep? Is it her heart? Sometimes being a momma to a heart warrior is stressful.

Sometimes you just have to get your hat on to play.

The boy has an inner ear infection. And he cannot hear a blessed thing.


  1. Always wear your tiara on March 19, 2016 at 11:07 am

    Always my favourite post. When it pops up in my blog roll I try ever so hard to save it till last Hiping J's ear is \”all better\”

  2. Kat on March 21, 2016 at 1:24 am

    I love Ps haircut… And those cheeks!

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