Bubble Excitement…

We love us some bubbles around these parts…seriously, what is it about bubbles? Whatever works though, right? Whatever it takes to bring a smile to my babies’ faces.

And bubbles are a small price to pay. Right now we are in love with Gymboree bubbles. You get SO many bubbles every time you blow…

And that means we get to see this face…

I can’t stand it. He did this every time, and he is yelling “WHOA!”

This is his blowing face… which is almost as adorable as the “awed” face.

And lets please take a moment to admire little M’s blowing face. Those lips…they kill me.

Clearly, this momma need to get more of these bubbles ASAP!

Only a few more weeks, and our little guy will be able to get up and chase those bubbles!


  1. Renate on August 1, 2013 at 1:53 pm

    So very cute!

  2. dawn on August 1, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    Oh gosh those are such cute faces. you def' need more bubbles stat!

  3. Debbie Sauer on August 2, 2013 at 12:34 am

    Love those faces. Priceless!

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