This Side…

This week our tiny P has been home, with us, for six months.

I love adoption…

I love watching a story unfold, and seeing what love can do to change a devastated, sad little person.

I love to be a witness to the change that happens over time, 

And I love to see the transformation,

Seeing our little person, who is so grief stricken, slowly begin to open up.

Like a little flower…

Seeing a glimpse of happiness…

Some smiles…

Seeing some joy come into such sad, dejected eyes…

And watching my baby finally start to relax into her new, forever family.

I love to hear the little giggles finally emerge,

And the language start to erupt.

The hugs, and the “I love yous” start to happen, without any prompting.

I love it all. I love to watch from the beginning, and be a part of such a happy, happy story…

But as much as I love the beginning… I adore being on this side of things.

The beginning is so beautiful, and broken, but this side… this side is filled with love, and happiness, and joy.


  1. Renate on March 28, 2015 at 11:58 am

    From my side its pretty awesome too! Seeing the first pics brings tears. Seeing her now ,still tears but with big smiles.Thank you for sharing your beautiful babies with us.

  2. Paula on March 29, 2015 at 3:05 am

    What an incredible journey this little one has traveled! Beautiful!

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