Thanking The Teacher…

Little M has two very wonderful preschool teachers. They invest so much time and energy into this little class. They also love my little girl, and I feel so blessed to not have to worry about my girl…to be able to leave little M in their care, and know she is in excellent, caring hands.
So, for Thanksgiving, I thought it apropos to let them know how thankful we are for them.
I picked some basic glass mugs, and filled them with paper filler…
Printed out some Thank-you cards…
Added a Starbucks gift card…and some cello with a bow.

And done! It only takes a few minutes, but goes a long way in making someone feel appreciated!


  1. Faith on November 22, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    so sweet! i love that!

  2. Cindy on November 22, 2011 at 2:20 pm

    That is a sweet gift. I think that it is really important to teach our kids this very thing. In fact, I enjoy the hunt to find the perfect gifts for J's and T's teachers. Happy Thanksgiving,Cindy

  3. Musings from Kim K. on November 22, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    Such a festive and fun gift!!

  4. The Cheese Thief on December 8, 2011 at 6:01 am

    i love the idea, gonna have to borrow it when my daughter goes to school.

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