Thankful Tree…

Little M and I made a “thankful tree” this week. I was so excited about doing this with her this year…last year she couldn’t communicate with us about things like thankfulness, and being grateful for the things we have. This year she totally gets it, and I love that. This year she talks about have a grateful heart, and talks about the things she is thankful for. So, we did a thankful tree.

I just love the things that little M came up with. I just love the way her little mind works, and the things she, very seriously, is thankful for…
Halloween candy, and her stuffed animals…

For our friends and Chipotle. Seriously, who’s not thankful for chipotle…

Yogurt (what?)…

The train at the mall (I thought we were over that, but I guess not, since it got a leaf)…

Her Quinn and her Megan, and her balance beam the husband made her…

I love my thankful little weirdo!!


  1. Renate on November 16, 2012 at 1:17 pm

    So darn cute! Thankful you share with us!

  2. Musings from Kim K. on November 16, 2012 at 6:53 pm

    So very sweet. Josie told her teacher she was thankful for the change in seasons so that she could go to the beach and play in snow. I love how sharp their little minds are. Thanksgiving hugs!

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