Planning For The Future…

I am a planner…the husband and I both are. We will plan a thing to death, and we love it. Little M takes planning to a level I never had at her age. This week she has been planning her wedding. Seriously. There are little notes about what she will have at her wedding (and wear, and eat, and how her hair will be, etc…) all over the house. I have no idea where this came from, I can only assume these wedding thoughts came from cousin Quinn’s wedding, which little M still talks about even though it’s been a couple of years.

The other day I was doing little M’s hair in the morning before school, and she was talking about her wedding…

“I will wear my hair down, and my veil will be very long…”

“And I will have some sparkles on my eyes, maybe purple ones, and I will have lots of chapstick, so my lips will be soft for kissing. Did you have chapstick for your wedding, mommy, so your lips were soft… (I was speechless for a moment)
Daddy? Were mommy’s lips soft at your wedding?”

I have no words. Where does she come up with these things? Six is too young to be thinking about kissing soft lips…

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