Not Ready…

Is it just me, or does this picture make my little M look much older than two?

I’m not ready for her to be older…I think I would like to keep her like this forever.

Then I see her chubby little hands, and I am happier. And those cheeks…they make me happiest of all. I hope they never go away! Do you think my love of her squishiness is destined to make her a fat girl? Oh well, as long as I get to keep those cheeks…
How I do love this little girl!


  1. Unknown on January 6, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    Lol. She does look so grown up. Yet so stinking cute!! My daughter just turned three and it seems like over night she lost that \”baby\” look and turned into a big girl 🙁 Anyway just thought I'd say Hi! Love following your blog.

  2. Angie on January 6, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    Wow, she is just SO precious! My husband and I are just starting our own international adoption journey…exciting times 😉

  3. lorabelle on January 7, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    I felt the same way… I even started putting Allie in more babyish looking clothing at one point. LOL! Pretty sad, huh? sigh… She's still a little cutie patootie and I still see some baby in there:)

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