I am back…

What was going to be a short break to focus on my family turned into years! I have missed this space, and connecting with readers, and leaving memories here, and writing all the words I have been thinking. If you are new here, or if you just haven’t been in a while because there were no new words, welcome.

We, just like all of you, have had a COUPLE OF YEARS.

And we, just like all of you, have had to put on our grown up panties, and deal in ways we never thought we would, with things we never dreamed we would deal with. We have dealt with normal life things, and those things we never imagined would become our new normal.

Our family has been home and together non-stop for an entire year, and we have slowly over this past year been venturing out, masked up of course! We have had some kids doing virtual school, and we have been homeschooling as well. Friends. This is not something I ever dreamed I would be doing, and it’s not something I want to do again any time soon, but for our Jackson this was the best choice, and so it was the choice we made. Everyone is at this very moment back in school in person, and we are all enjoying this return to normalcy.

We took so many walks, and played outside, and found new places to visit and explore outside. We loved each other, and we got sick of each other. We took pictures and made memories. We have mourned when those we dearly love lost loved ones of their own.

We completed all the puzzles, and crafted all the crafts. And we discovered new hobbies…the husband took up a quest to bake the perfect sourdough bread, and I am not one bit sad about this. I have been working my way through house projects, decorating, and learning some new things.

We also spent the sweetest time with the very best friends who also quarantined with the same strident guidelines we kept. We were able to see these two families each week, and vacation with them, and I can’t say enough how thankful we are to have these people in our lives. We have always been extra careful with germs in normal life given our heart kid’s fragile immune systems, but during this year of crazy pandemic, our normal careful has skyrocketed to hyper careful. We are so protective of our kids and their health, and having friends who love us and our kids so much that they also are that protective… there are just no words for what that does to my heart! I know that so many of you have been alone all this time, and are just now getting to where you can see your loved ones, and I am so sorry and sad for your loneliness.

I have all the hope that this year we will start to see some of our old normal things. Our kids have gone back to school, we are feeling safe enough to go out to eat, and church is back in person again. Some things can stay, though… all the delivery options! Especially Starbucks, amiright? Also would not be too sad if the husband worked from home a good deal of the time!

We will see what this year brings us… for now, this space on the interwebs is back to regularly scheduled programming!

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