Hospital Stays… So Many Questions!

Yes, we have done a long hospital stay before…when little M had her heart surgery after she came home, we were in the hospital for almost three weeks… but that was four (FOUR!) years ago, and it is kind of a blur in my head. We know that tiny P’s surgery is different and more complicated, and we are anticipating that she will be in the hospital for a longer, more intense stay. And while we don’t know exactly when her surgery will take place yet, we know it won’t be too long after she comes home before we are in the hospital with her.

So, for those who have done hospital stays with their children… give me the goods!
What is something you brought to the hospital for your child that you were glad to have?
What is something you brought for you that you were glad to have?
What did you pack, for your child and for yourself?
What did you bring that you were glad to have?
What did you bring that you wish you had left at home?
What do you wish you’d brought, that you didn’t bring?
How old was your child, what are your tricks for entertaining a bed-bound child?
If you had children at home, how did you deal with caring for them while you were in the hospital?
Any “tricks of the trade” for staying in and being comfortable in the hospital for a long period?
What is your best advice for someone about to undergo a long hospital stay with a little one?
Anything else you want to add that you think would be helpful?
I know so many people don’t have as much time to prepare, or are in shock that their little one has to have surgery so the last thing on a mommy’s mind is what to bring to the hospital… hopefully the answers to these questions will be helpful to other parents, as well!
Share your wisdom… Go!


  1. jessica on September 5, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    I wish I had good advice or ideas but we've never even had an overnight at the hospital with our kids so I have no wisdom to share. But we'll be thinking and praying for you guys all long the way!!

  2. Ali C. on September 12, 2014 at 5:48 pm

    We've only done the one inpatient stay for the 2 weeks after Ethan was born, so there wasn't much entertaining that needed to be done. I'm in a Facebok group for heterotaxy families, though, and I know they'd have some awesome suggestions! If you want to be added, message me (Ali Chandra) and I'll make it happen! I'm grinning from ear to ear at the thought of you all on your way to meet your precious little one right now. 🙂

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