Coming To Terms…

Our girl loves nature…she truly LOVES it. She loves being outside, the more nature, the happier she is. She is a nature lover.

Honestly, nature is not my thing. I love a walk in the woods as much as the next person, but then I enjoy a shower. I don’t camp, I don’t spend a lot of time just communing with nature. I appreciate the beauty of nature, but I don’t want it touching me…
Not so with little M. She wants to get her hands all up in the nature. She wants to put some of the nature in her pocket!
And in the face of this smile I am helpless to resist the nature…
We did wash our hands, though. Little M also loves her cleanliness. Thank God.


  1. Musings from Kim K. on October 26, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    Your daughter is the BEST dressed little girl. I love her outfit…especially the fringe boots. Our Josie loves the outdoors too. Can't get enough of it.

  2. Grace on October 26, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    hahaha, this SO me!!! i'm going to have get over it soon, i'm sure!

  3. michelle on October 27, 2010 at 6:06 am

    That's such a great thing that Mackenzie loves to touch nature and get her hands a little dirty. My daughter is the exact same way, but as soon as she's done, she'll show me her hands so she can get them washed.

  4. Lisa on October 27, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    Our darling was/is the very same way and then #2 found his joy outside too!! :)While I always enjoyed being outside, it was nothing compared to their passion and joy of it!!Over the years they have worn me down 🙂 ….and now? Even I get antsy if we don't get outside for a bit each day!! That's especially hard in the Winter!:) You might be converted yet! Plus it helps to tuck a packet of wipes in your stroller or bag! LOLand my goodness….she is sweet as sugar!!

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