At The End…

The year is almost at an end, and the husband and I have found ourselves having frequent conversations regarding the difference a year has made in little M’s life. Really, I have these conversations with pretty much everyone I know, because I truly am so proud at how far she has come. We didn’t travel last Christmas, and there was no way we could have…

Our girl was kind of a basket case last year. We kept Christmas pretty simple, but even so, she was quite overstimulated from Thanksgiving, and it took her several weeks after Christmas before we felt like she was recovered. This year is so different.
This year little M is able to calm herself down. She has a genuine laugh instead of the fake shrill laugh we called her joker laugh. She has words to use to tell us when she is nervous or disappointed that things aren’t going her way. I am able to leave a room without her breaking down. She is happier.
Last year little M had a lot of anger, no impulse control, and had tantrums all the livelong day. She was frustrated, sick, and unhappy, and it took a long time for her (and for myself) to adjust to this new life.
We are so blessed to have little M in our lives. She is a happy, settled, calm, sweet little girl now. there are no tantrums, and there is real laughter. We enjoy being with her, and spending time with her. It is good to look back and remember where we were, and how far our little family has come.


  1. Katie on December 30, 2011 at 8:01 pm

    Needed to read this today. We are living your last year Christmas this year. Sometimes feels like it will never get better. This post and your sweet girl give me hope. Thanks! : )

  2. Musings from Kim K. on December 31, 2011 at 12:25 am

    Continued blessings to your sweet family! I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for your family!

  3. Debbie Sauer on December 31, 2011 at 2:05 am

    She is so precious. I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year. Blessings

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